• Funeral Service Package: 富贵如意 NV HONOUR

殡葬礼仪事前规划 Funeral Service Pre-Planning 什么是殡葬礼仪事前规划? 家人无需在您去世时作出困难的决定,也无须猜测您可能希望有怎样的殡葬服务 • 您可以在情绪稳定的状态下做出选择,同时可以与您的亲戚朋友一起做出最後决定。您会在很多宣传册上看到,人在去世的时候会有不少於80个困难的决定。当您问津任何体验过预先葬礼筹划的益处时,他们会非常高兴地告诉您:“我的母亲做了这些安排”,“一切都已提前支付”。提前支付和投资选择,让人们作出以前未能作出的选择。整个殡葬礼仪费用可以提前支付,但现在增添了分期付款计划,使您可以将这些费用计划在整个遗产筹划中。事实上,葬礼费用在未来会继续不断地增高。您如果提前支付葬礼费用,就可以消除对支付能力的担忧。您可以从现在较低的费用中受益,因爲您当前的投资将会避免日後的通货膨胀。预先筹划的葬礼爲生命的有序丶必然结束提供了谨慎安排的机会。这样做,不仅为逝者带来内心的宁静,而且更重要的是为逝者家属的内心带来了平静。 What is funeral service pre-planning? No one likes to think about death, let alone plan for it. In many families, discussing one’s mortality is an extremely uncomfortable topic. But it is a topic that should be discussed and planned for well in advance of your death. It’s easy to say, “Don’t make a fuss. I don’t want a ceremony. Just bury me and be done with it.” But it is important to realize that the ritual of a funeral and/or memorial service is not for the deceased but for the living. It is a time when friends and family can gather together to grieve openly and to provide support for one another. By pre-planning your funeral, you relieve your family of having to make important financial decisions during a period of great stress and grief-a time when people aren’t thinking very clearly and may not know what to do because you never made your wishes known. Relieve loved ones from financial burdens, stress and confusion Prevent the family from making costly and hasty decisions Help to hedge against inflation and ultimately save money Allow individuals to decide their preferred service, choose their own rites and rituals

我们的服务流程: 领取死亡下葬与下葬证书。 如果死因是他杀或自杀,法医将为死者解剖,寻找死因。解剖后,解剖报告将寄到警局,以便开发下葬证书。 协助认领遗体并运送回丧府或我们的富贵纪念馆。 在让家属瞻仰遗容之前,我们将为死者作防腐工作、清洁尸身、穿上寿衣及化妆。 让死者进棺,然后准备殡葬追悼礼仪。 如果殡葬追悼礼仪在死者家里进行,我们将提供大棚、电风扇、灯、桌子、桌布及椅子。 我们也提供死者相片放大服务。 用鲜花装饰死者遗照的相框。 架设庄严灵位以便进行宗教祈祷仪式,为死者准备追思屏风(Memory Lane Ancestry Rack)。 提供帛金簿与帛金箱。 提供路向指示牌与灯笼。 提供专业服务人员。 提供两晚坐夜服务人员(6pm-2am,每晚1位工作人员)。 富贵殡仪套装提供3天2夜的水果与素食餐点。 富贵殡仪套装的服务包括提供女婿铭旗、麻衣孝服、糖果红包、饮品,以及花生。 提供专业音乐队 追思相册 封棺服务 一辆价值百万元的马赛地豪华灵车或一辆进口高贵灵车 一辆豪华冷气巴士。